5 Things Single Men Do That Women Hate

it is best for all men to know the five things women hate about single men so each is in a position to correct it right away.
1. Bad Manners
We’ve discussed being a bad boy, but that doesn’t mean that you don’t need to treat the woman with respect, as well as, other people. Good manners are important to women, and many men with bad manners will find themselves single. Good manners need to become habits.
They are simple things like opening the door for the woman, treating the waitress or waiter at a restaurant with respect, being courteous behind the wheel, and listening when someone speaks. Most of us know what good manners are, and how to practice them… but, if you have your doubts, then definitely get on the Internet and see if you’ve overlooked any that could hurt you.
2. Sloppiness
Sloppiness is a definite turn off. A messy house or apartment, torn or stained clothes, and bad hygiene are all things women hate. They are also easy habits for men to acquire when there is no one in their life. Get organized, de-clutter your home, and get rid of the shabby clothes.
Purchase some air fresheners and add some decorations to your home that show character, and compliment your personality. Clean and organize your bathroom, and the rest of your home. If you pay attention to women that you entertain, the bathroom is one of the first places she goes in the home. The reason is simple- she gets a better look at how well you care for your home.
3. Gawking
What man doesn’t want to gawk at a beautiful woman? Noticing a beautiful woman is acceptable, staring is not. It is rude to the woman you are with, rude to the woman you are staring at, and it portrays you as creepy. If you are a gawker, break the habit.
When you do, you will find that the women you are with are more comfortable, and you will have a greater chance of meeting other women. No woman is attracted to a man that gawks. It is intimidating. It is much better to approach the woman.
If the woman is with a man, then focus on something else. The temptation will pass. When you are able to work on these five areas, your odds at meeting women is enhanced.
4. Childish Friends
There are few men that don’t have a single friend that is a bad influence. As a man, I can tell you, the second you start to get serious with a woman, this is the friend you’ll fight about. Why? Because she doesn’t like how irresponsible he is, or his influence, and doesn’t want to risk you. She may be right.
Friends are a necessary part of life, but if he is a bad influence, it is likely best to keep a distance. The harsh reality is that the friend may also have problems with her, and you’ll likely come to the realization that he wasn’t such a good friend after all.
5. Boyishness
Men are single for different reasons- they haven’t meet the right person yet, or they are immature. Women aren’t drawn to men that are irresponsible, and if you have yet to grow up due to the boyishness in you, then you aren’t likely to meet that high value woman. Start making changes now.
Some sure signs of boyishness are: you let your parents or friends control your decision making, you don’t earn a steady income, you are impulsive with your spending, you are constantly partying, or you don’t have grown up attitudes towards relationships, dating, and women. Most aren’t difficult to overcome, so why not start now!